Do I need a background in another martial art?
There are no prerequisites to learning kenjutsu. Prospective students require only a desire to learn. Students may come from all sorts of martial backgrounds, ranging from none whatsoever to decades of experience in another art. All students will be taught appropriate to their level.
Is there an age limit?
We accept students from 15 years of age and up.
What do I need to bring?
There is no requirement for starting equipment. Loose fitting exercise clothing is acceptable for new students, and spare bokken are available at the dojo. However as time progresses students will be expected to acquire their own equipment and uniform. If you already have equipment feel free to bring it to class, but it must be inspected and approved before use. Feel free to bring a uniform but if it has logos or embroidery from another school you may be expected to eventually get something new and unadorned.
Once you have been training for a while, we will have suggestions on where to buy further equipment.
However, please do bring a water bottle and well-fitting facemask to wear. A limited number of N95 masks will be available at the dojo if a student forgets to bring one, but please do not rely on the dojo to supply these long-term. For the first day, please also bring photo identification in order to sign the waiver.
Why should I bring a facemask?
2/3rds of our members got sick at the same time, with the dojo itself being the most likely vector. In the interest of keeping students healthy, and not having to cancel classes, we have implemented a facemask policy.
How much does this cost?
We charge $75 per month.
How long before I get a black belt?
Edmonton Kenjutsu uses an older style of grading and recognition. There are no belt colours, or even any regular grading structure. All students will be taught based on their current knowledge and ability to learn.
How do I get started?
Send an e-mail to expressing your interest and come down to observe a class and see if this is something you would like to pursue further.