Edmonton Kenjutsu trains in the “Heart Reflection” style of kenjutsu. “Heart reflection” can be interpreted in many ways, with different levels of understanding becoming apparent through continued study. This style was founded over 450 years ago in the Sengoku Jidai (warring states) period and as such the traditions, customs, and movement of the school are reflective of this time. Samurai who trained in this style were not only expected to be proficient with the sword and other weapons, but also to be cultured and understand proper protocol. This would enable the practitioner to be a productive member of society in addition to martial ability.
Instruction at Edmonton Kenjutsu is provided by James Lyall. James has been training in Heart Reflection Kenjutsu since 1999 and has taught at seminars in Calgary, Montreal, and Ottawa from 2012 to 2018. He has also taken several seminars in other kenjutsu styles to broaden his knowledge base.
All practice is done through repetitive exercises (suburi) or pre-arranged forms (kata) either alone or in pairs.